COVID-19 Vaccine and Testing Calendar

Calendario de pruebas y vacunas COVID-19

Where has COVID-19 affected your life?

Advancing Resources for Community Health (ARCH) is a project aimed at providing COVID-19 recovery and preventing further spread of the disease for populations most disproportionately affected in Kings County.

ARCH has helped by doing the following: providing community linkages, conducting community outreach and education, hosting COVID-19 testing and vaccine events, and creating a community health worker (CHW)/Promoter De Salud network in the county.

In the year 2020, a worldwide pandemic of the infectious disease, COVID-19 caused by a virus named SARS-CoV-2. Vaccines and boosters have protected and healed many to recover from this disease. Specifically, COVID-19 has impacted the lives of everyone in all aspects of life: mental health, job security, family, housing, health care, education, and fitness.

If need of another form of access to resources; use the live chat, text, call, or our mobile app, Intelliful.